positive thoughts

How to Stay Committed to Your Goals

Have you ever set a goal and not achieved it? Most people have. In fact, it’s quite common for people to get stuck in an endless cycle of setting goals and then quitting shortly afterwards – and accomplishing nothing at all.

You Are Never Truly Stuck

Believing that you can’t change your circumstances is one sure way to feel powerless. You can spend all the time in the world bemoaning your job, your relationships, your finances, your lack of opportunities, or your streak of “bad luck”…

Feed Your Mind Success Thoughts Daily

You’ve probably heard it said that you are what you think about the most, and being successful is no exception. There are other important facets of success too…

Appreciation Today for a Better Tomorrow

One of the common fears people have about expressing gratitude and appreciation for what they have right now is that it may prevent them from attracting better circumstances tomorrow and beyond.

Is it Positive Thinking or Just Denial?

Whenever I tell people about the power of positive thinking, some of them get the impression that “positive thinking” means pretending to be happy even if you’re not.

Happiness and the Well-Balanced Life

When striving to create a greater sense of happiness in your life, the power of living a balanced life should not be overlooked. An unbalanced, chaotic lifestyle is one sure way to create stress…

When You Miss the Opportunity of a Lifetime

Periodically during the course of our lives we are granted the “opportunity of a lifetime.” It’s a chance that doesn’t come our way very often, and usually one that would result in tremendous benefits for us, if we can manage to grasp it before it slips away.

How to Overcome Stubborn Problems

Like most other people, you are probably not completely satisfied with where you are in life right now.
Hopefully, much of your life is working okay for you…

Dealing with Loss, Tragedy, and Grief

How can you stay positive in the face of tragic circumstances like natural disasters, senseless massacres, serious illness, family problems, financial pressure, and the holiday depression that so many people feel this time of year?

How to Use Creative Problem-Solving

Few things in life are more aggravating than having a problem with no clear solution. Whether the problem applies to your personal life, your work, or your financial situation, not knowing what to do about it makes you feel powerless and out of control.