Focus Your Thoughts on Well-Being for Just 30 Days…

When you want to attract better health and vitality, it’s crucial to deliberately focus your thoughts on wellness, rather than sickness.
But most of us don’t do that, do we? When we don’t feel good, we tend to focus more on the symptoms, the pain, the fatigue… whatever we’re feeling most of the time. We focus on the things we can no longer do, the things we don’t have the strength to do. We worry about our longevity, about whether we can ever regain our strength, and whether we’ll ever be able to live a normal life again.
Unfortunately, this just keeps attracting more “sickness” rather than the wellness we so desperately want.
Are you currently trying to recover from an illness or injury? Even if you are relatively healthy, do you struggle with feelings of weakness and fatigue on a daily basis?
To promote healing and good health, you need to find a way to keep your thoughts focused on wellness – deliberately and firmly focused on wellness – despite all of the unpleasant, worrisome things happening around you.
There are many good ways to do this. Some people visualize. Some people use affirmations. Some people look at pictures of the healthy body they would like to have.
All of these methods can be effective, but there are also a few challenges that come up for most people when they try to use them:
1) Disconnection from wellness
Do you have a hard time even remembering what it feels like to be healthy? Do you try to imagine yourself healthy and strong, but you just can’t seem to really feel it? If your frequency on the subject of your body is far removed from a “wellness frequency,” it will seem distant and impossible to achieve.
2) Lack of belief
Do you also have a hard time believing that you CAN regain your health? Does it seem like you’ve tried everything available and it’s still not working for you? Believing that you are a “lost cause” or that you’ve tried everything is a sure way to create a self-fulfilling prophecy! There are actually simple exercises that you can use to start building up a solid belief again, and once that starts happening, hope will replace doubt.
3) Confusion about what to focus on
Do you often feel confused about exactly what to focus on during visualization or with affirmations? Should you visualize your ideal body, or your ideal healthy lifestyle, or…? If you have a hard time choosing clear targets for your manifestation exercises, you probably won’t see much progress because you’re not focused on the aspects of wellness that will really get positive energy flowing. And that’s what you really need to attract big positive changes, lots of positive energy flowing!
Aligning Your Thoughts with Wellness

Attracting a healthy, vital, strong body is really no different than attracting anything else. You simply need to start focusing your thoughts on the condition you want to experience in your body.
Whether that is recovery from an illness or injury, or even if you are already pretty healthy but you just want more stamina and energy.
You also need to start building up a strong belief in your healthy body – not believing that your body will be healthy “someday,” but believing that it can start regaining strength, clarity, flexibility and well-being NOW.
If you want to be guided on a very clear, deliberate path back to well-being, you will be super excited about what I have to share with you!
Our Daily Inspiration for Wellness course will help you to focus daily on positive thoughts regarding many aspects of wellness, strength, vitality, and physical well-being.
Just a few of the topics include:
- Reconnecting with your body’s wisdom
- Tuning in to the energetic essence of well-being
- Holding positive expectations about your body
- Releasing worry, doubt and fear
- Opening to the flow of healing energy through your body
- Trusting your body to know how to heal
- Attracting helpful resources, ideas and insights that can help you heal
- Shedding limiting, destructive beliefs about illness
- and much more!
Each day for 30 days, you will receive a written inspiration that focuses on one specific aspect of good health, healing or wellness, as well as an audio MP3 that you can download and take with you, and a targeted affirmation that you can recite all day as you go about your daily activities.
These daily inspirations will take just MINUTES to do! Simply read and/or listen to the audio, which should take 5 minutes or less each day. I have purposely kept them short and sweet, but very targeted so you can get the best results in the least amount of time. (If you want to read/listen to them more than once a day, you can certainly do that too.) Then jot down the daily affirmation and take it with you so you can recite it and focus on it several times throughout the day.
This Course is for You If…
- You need help staying focused on wellness each day.
- You want to learn exactly how to manifest well-being in your body.
- You want to create a stronger awareness of your body and its needs.
- You want to increase your strength and stamina and feel better than you have in a long time.
- You want to complement your medical treatments with supercharged positive thoughts.
- You want to feel comfortable and at peace in your own body.
- You want to lose weight, develop better health practices and take better care of your body.
- You want to release fear, doubt, and limiting beliefs that keep you feeling sick and stuck!
- You just want to drop the struggle and feel at ease with your body again!

The daily inspirations are gentle, positive and inspiring and will help you keep your thoughts focused in the direction you want to go, which is directly to… vibrant good health and wellness!
Your thoughts are incredibly powerful when it comes to the condition of your body. In fact, your body responds VERY QUICKLY when you start changing your thoughts for the better! In just days you should be able to notice a favorable difference. Maybe some of your symptoms will be lessened, maybe you’ll feel a little lighter and happier, maybe you’ll even feel true HOPE for the first time in a long time.
Everyone is different, so I can’t say for sure what will happen for you personally, but I will promise that you can create some very positive, welcome changes in your mental and physical states within a very short period of time if you are consistent.
Which leads me to…
The Key to Allowing Good Health…
In case you haven’t guessed by now, the key to allowing good health and vitality is to REPEATEDLY feed your mind positive thoughts on the subject of wellness.
You don’t need to spend a lot of time on it, but you do need to be consistent with the time you spend on it. The more consistent you are, the faster you’ll see progress.
That’s where these daily inspirations come in. Just read or listen to each daily inspiration once or twice a day, and use the daily affirmation as often as you can.
This eliminates the three challenges I mentioned above: disconnection; lack of belief; and confusion.
You will know exactly what to focus on each day, you will be able to finally connect with the essence of the well-being you want, and you will start building up a solid belief in your ability to be well again!
I want to help you stay focused on the thoughts that will usher in some positive change for you. I want to show you how easy it can be to overhaul your whole attitude about wellness, release anything that is holding you back, and go on to enjoy a better quality of life.
Get ready to shift into a wellness mind-set!
P.S. Remember, you get to KEEP all of the daily inspirations and MP3s! Use them daily to keep improving your focus on wellness, even beyond the initial 30 day course.
What might happen for you if you overhaul your daily thought patterns and stay keenly focused on the strength, vitality and well-being you desire and deserve from this day forward?
Amazing changes, that’s what!
Download and Get Started Today:
** Disclaimer: This course is not intended to be a replacement for medical care. Be sure to continue seeing your doctor and pursuing any treatment plans you are currently using. This course is intended to complement your existing healthcare practices and can be used along with any traditional or alternative therapies you may be using.