If you don’t believe that you are worthy of the good things you want, you cannot allow them into your life. Subconsciously you will keep resisting them because you don’t feel right about receiving them.
When you begin to see yourself as already deserving, and more importantly when you start really FEELING your absolute worthiness, you are able to receive with ease. It feels right and good to have those wonderful things you want!
These worthiness affirmations will help you to:
- Remember that your worthiness is part of who you already ARE.
- Start genuinely loving and appreciating yourself.
- Feel good about receiving the good things you want.
- Build the belief that you are GOOD at your core.
- Build the belief that you are deserving of love.
- Build the belief that you are deserving of abundance.
- Build the belief that you are deserving of well-being.
- Build the belief that you are deserving of ALL GOOD!
- Start truly FEELING your worthiness now.
- And more!
How to Use Your Worthiness Affirmation MP3
Listen once or twice a day, and really try to FEEL your worthiness deep inside. Imagine that your worthiness JUST IS, and you don’t need to “earn it” or “prove it.”
(PDF included with all of the worthiness affirmations written out.) BONUS! Also included is a free PDF guide with easy tips for Supercharging Your Affirmations and getting the absolute most out of them!
Get started now! Download your Worthiness Affirmation MP3 and begin building the beliefs that will change everything.