positive thoughts

How to Develop a Positive Attitude

When it comes to your quality of life, attitude is everything! In fact, it could even be said that whatever you focus on the most, you tend to bring into your life, whether by choice or circumstance.

Use Gratitude to Bump Up Your Happiness!

A daily practice of gratitude can help you to feel happy more often, simply because gratitude smooths the rough edges in your life and keeps you focused on the good stuff, rather than obsessing about things that might drag you down into feelings of sadness or frustration.

How to Make Wise Decisions

Have you ever felt nervous about making a decision that could affect the rest of your life? Sometimes even seemingly minor decisions can send you into a fit of anxiety when you begin thinking of all the things that could go wrong.

When You’re On the Wrong Path

There are truly no “wrong” paths in life – only paths that serve to teach us one thing or another. Even the biggest errors of our lives can be powerful teachers and contribute immensely to our growth.

How to Stop Procrastinating

Have you ever found yourself procrastinating on something you didn’t want to do? It’s no surprise that we want to avoid unpleasant tasks or obligations, but procrastination can also…

Find Happiness Through the Power of Simplicity

In our ongoing quest for happiness and contentment, we often find ourselves accumulating ever increasing piles of “stuff.” How easy it is to forget that when it comes to happiness, simplicity is key!

The Power of Acceptance

Inevitably in life, we will have to face disappointment from time to time. Sometimes they may be little disappointments, and other times they may be great, big, heart wrenching disappointments.

Count Your Blessings!

You may have heard the phrase, “count your blessings” before, but how often do you actually do it? Do you pause to feel grateful when something good happens?

Don’t Worry; Get Happy!

If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed by worry, you know how difficult it is to feel happy at the same time. Worry and happiness are by nature complete opposites; they cannot co-exist.