What You Say to Yourself Matters
Negative self-talk can be incredibly damaging to your self-esteem, especially if it’s a big part of your daily life. When you keep saying things like that to yourself, eventually you begin to believe them!
Negative self-talk can be incredibly damaging to your self-esteem, especially if it’s a big part of your daily life. When you keep saying things like that to yourself, eventually you begin to believe them!
Do you ever feel like your problems are taking over your life? It’s not uncommon for most of us to have a handful of problems or challenges that keep detracting from our happiness.
You may have heard it said that time management is really about managing yourself. That truth becomes all the more apparent when your ingrained habits seem to eat away at the time you have available each day.
Appreciation is such a powerful tool for shifting your focus in a positive direction. One of the best ways to use appreciation is to remove your focus from everything that’s going wrong.
Did you know that you talk to yourself all day long? I’m referring to the things you say to yourself on a regular basis; and more importantly, the tone in which you say them.
This week something interesting happened to me. I made a gift for someone, and they absolutely loved it. As they exclaimed over it and admired it, they asked if it had taken me long to make it.
In life, there are cycles of good and bad. Times when our lives seem joyful and easy, and times when we’re struggling through what seem like endless difficulties. Then there are times when the two seem to co-mingle.
I received such a funny email this week, from a nice man in Minnesota who wishes to remain anonymous. This is all his email said: “Are you ALWAYS so upbeat and happy? You drive me nuts sometimes.”
We often don’t realize how overrun with negative thoughts we are until we become extremely uncomfortable. Negative thoughts can be sneaky, slipping in undetected, yet having a powerful impact on our moods and emotions. Over time, they will begin to take over our thoughts altogether.
It’s fairly easy for us to dream, to imagine how we want our lives to be, even to make plans for our lives. We make lists, we visualize, we affirm. But when the time comes to actually start putting our plans into action…